zaterdag 29 mei 2010
Digistamps and more
donderdag 29 april 2010
dinsdag 27 april 2010
Free Digi stamp
vrijdag 23 april 2010
zondag 11 april 2010
Magnolia,nee geen stempel maar een boom :)
De lente begint heel voorzichtig haar gezicht te laten zien en deze Magnolia boom was ik eigenlijk van plan eruit te trekken en bij mijn ouders in de tuin te planten omdat hij altijd maar 3 bloemen gaf en een heleboel blad.
Tot mijn grote verbazing dit seizoen zag ik een hele bubs van die knoppen en was ik diep in mijn hart erg blij dat ik de boom er nog niet had uitgetrokken.
Moet je kijken wat een moois!
vrijdag 9 april 2010
Another Birthday card
Thank you for visiting and leaving your comments,it is always so great to read!
woensdag 7 april 2010
Magnolia Birthday card
I have used for this card a Magnolia stamp,forgot the name of the paper,I should write it down before blogging haha.
The stars were made with the Slice Machine,still love that thing! I have used also distress ink for the edges.
Hope you like it.
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!
maandag 5 april 2010
First nights with Lilly
And when you come down in the morning you see a very happy little puppy and she greets us with so much enthousiasm that it brings tears to my eyes (yes ok I am a softy I know)
She is exploring the house a like a madman and she bites on our hands like we have chickenwings instead of fingers.
She runs back and forth with her toys and and I cannot take my eyes off her,and I better not before you know it she is knibbling on something she is not supposed to knibble on ;-)
zondag 4 april 2010
zaterdag 3 april 2010
Card for my uncle ( Victorian style)
It has been a while since I have posted something,my camera had issues and it is fixed now :)
This card is made for my uncle who was diagnosed with cancer. I thought this angel was the perfect image for him.
The card was white but I have mixed some cats eye and sponged the edges so it became the color of the image,blue/greenish.
Have a great Easter everyone and thank you for visiting :)
maandag 22 maart 2010
New digi stamps

I have added brand new digi stamps to my main site. Members of my Dream Team get these to work with :)
vrijdag 12 maart 2010
Grand Opening!

I am so pleased to announce the grand openening of my Dream Team!
These girls have made such beautiful creations using my digital stamps, I am so very proud!
Please go see what they have made :-)
A very happy Vera
dinsdag 9 maart 2010
Digi stamps
woensdag 3 maart 2010
Daisy Mae digital stamp

A brand new Daisy Mae digital stamp. The stamps are $0,85 a piece and really easy to use.
If you have questions how to use them feel free to email me.
Vera :)
dinsdag 2 maart 2010
Heartland Creek Dream Team

Oh I have such good news!
Mery has started a brandnew dream team blog,these great women are going to use my digital stamps and create cards with the images. I am soo looking forward to this.
So feel free to become a follower there and see what can be made out of my digital stamps.
The dreamtem blog will start soon!
donderdag 18 februari 2010
maandag 15 februari 2010
Magnolia card
I must tell you I am having so much fun with the slice machine,and here is my first card I made with it.
I cutout a circle in the card first and then a litter bigger circle in my paper and added it onto the card. I cut out 2 different sizes hearts and glued them to the card.
On the inside I have a Magnolia stamp,colored her with my Derwent and cutout some photocorners :)
vrijdag 12 februari 2010
Slice Machine
I have an early birthday it seems,it is not February 28th yet but my husband bought me a Slice Machine from Making Memories and it is awesome!
It also has an embossing thingy,but I have not figured that one out yet. I thought I wanted the Cuttle bug but this is soo much better.
It has been a bit quiet here,I had so much on my mind but this day I have the house to myself and it is peacefull and quiet :)
Have a great day everybody and to all visitors,thank you for stopping by!
Big hugs,
dinsdag 2 februari 2010

Van Corrie deze award gekregen,dank je wel Corrie!
En nou is het de bedoeling dat ik bij deze award 7 dingen noem waar ik blij en vrolijk van wordt.
1 Ik word blij van mijn 3 prachtige kinderen
2 Ik geniet enorm van het lezen van een mooi boek
3 Ik word blij van mezelf omdat ik zie dat ik zoveel meer kan dan ik had verwacht.
4 Ik word blij van de hulp en steun die ik altijd van mijn lief krijg
5 Ik word vrolijk van lekker kaartjes maken in mijn eigen kamertje.
6 Ik word enorm vrolijk als ik geld te spenderen heb aan hobby spulletjes
7 Ik word blij als ik zie dat er nog vele goede mensen op onze aardbol rondlopen die goed zijn voor elkaar.
Ik mag deze award doorgeven aan Mery :)
donderdag 28 januari 2010
maandag 25 januari 2010
Butterfly bear card :)
Easter card
donderdag 21 januari 2010
Free digi image

Another new digi image,this one is for free :)
When you use this image please let your bloggers know where you have found the image ok?
That is all I ask :)
Have a great day and I wish you lots of fun creating.
Big hugs,
dinsdag 19 januari 2010
Valentine Digi stamp
donderdag 7 januari 2010
Easter card
Colored the stamp with my Derwent pencils,and gave the flowers a thick gluedot in the middle.
Hope you like it,have a great evening all!~